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Baloon Art (Kool)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hi, my name is "B. A. LERT" the clown and I'm a Balloon Twister. My facination with twisting started while on the job. I work for a Police Dept. and in certain incidents we would give a child a stuffed animal to help them cope with an incident.. This is a great program until you run out of stuffed animals plus I wanted to make the childs contact with the police really special. So, I learned to twist balloons on my own and my contact with children has become very fulfilling. Now, I would like to share the information I have with all of you. COOL HUH!!

If your currently a Clown or ever had the desire to be a clown, join my discussion group(Clown Town USA)for help with make-up, costumes, magic, puppets or just share your expierences and stories.

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