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Biggest helicopter in the world

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Largest Helicopter

These are photographs of the worlds largest helicopter which happened to be on the tarmac in Dease Lake , B.C. this week. It is to be used for taking mining equipment and cargo out to a new mine called Galore Creek. It is owned by a Russian company. It is called the Utsky. The chopper couldn’t land at the air strip at Bob Quinn Lake because it wasn’t a paved area so it had to land in Dease Lake until the landing site north of Bob Quinn could be inspected. Apparently this chopper’s wash will pick up and fling rocks, up to 12 inches in diameter, around like leaves.

Stats supposedly: Russian crew of 6, 2 Pilots, 1 Navigator, 2 Engineers (mechanics), 1 cargo person- you can put 1 dump truck, 1 SUV in it a semi-trailer will fit in it.- carries 75 troops- uses 2000 litres of fuel per hour- 580 km range- costs $30,000/hr to rent - 40 metres long - 8 blades about 2 feet wide - probably bigger than ANYTHING seen at the Dease Lake Airport , including the terminal building.

  1. Anonymous Anonymous said:

    wow. the US should by one if we could and use it during the fire season as a water dropper.

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