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Green Guide Tip of The Week: Raise Awareness and Money

Monday, October 01, 2007

With School back in session, there are a lot of opportunities to spread the word about being green. Please take the time to read the quick tip below.

Courtesy of The Green Guide: Tired of the same old school fundraising drives -- bake sales, car washes or wrapping paper offers? Ever thought there might be an effective fundraising tool that was also educational and socially responsible? Check out Global Goods Partners (GGP). More than a typical "fundraiser," this program provides schools with an innovative and accessible way to incorporate lessons about other cultures, current affairs, social responsibility and how our purchases in our local communities can impact the lives of people living in other parts of the world.

Incredibly easy to implement, Global Goods Partners conducts all sales online, eliminating door-to-door sales and simplifying purchasing. The program offers a wider variety of distinctive, handmade and fair trade products, each with a story to tell about where it is from, who made it and the challenges faced in the artisan's community. By participating in the fundraising program, schools generate support not only for their own programs but also for communities in need around the world.

As a nonprofit organization, GGP uses all of its proceeds from product sales -- as well as additional private donations and foundation support -- to provide technical assistance and capacity-building grants to its partners. By focusing on increasing income for community enterprises, raising global awareness of their work, and strengthening their programs, GGP strives to support sustainable advancements in the areas of economic empowerment, education, health and women's rights.

Go to Global Goods Program to find out more about their school fundraising program.

For older students and adults looking for cross-cultural travel/study/volunteering opportunities, check out the Green Guide's Haste Makes Waste.

Read the Green Guide's article, All's Fair, to learn more about the market for fair trade today.

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