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the day after...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dunking Ganesh (updated)
On Anant Chaturdashi in Bombay, the day the Ganesh murtis are dunked (it goes until 6 am):

The Day after ..

DOL worship ?


IDLE worship ?


IDEAL worship ?

After immersion .. ?

Would you like your Gods bulldozed like garbage ?

and treated like this ... ?

or dumped like this ?

left to rot for scavengers to feast . ?

Lying at your feet ....Helpless .. Abandoned by worshippers !

Maimed ?

Desecrated ?

And you create a hue and cry when some statue in your city gets 'desecrated' ?

You burn down busses and call for bandhs ?

Was that statue a GOD,


Is this GOD only a Statue ?

You decide.

Wake Up!

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